captain cash

A Payday Loan Alternative With A Longer Repayment Schedule

Many are attracted to the payday loan because it is quick and relatively easy to obtain. The problem with this type of loan is that it must be repaid very quickly. A payday loan alternative offered by captaincash is a much better option. The repayment plan for this type of loan includes a minimum repayment period of three months. This provides lower monthly payments that are much more manageable. The loan process offers a completely unique paperless application process. This eliminates the need to fax documents such as bank statements. The applicant will give the lender a secure, view only access to their bank account. This allows the lender to verify their identity and their income. Approval is very quick and easy and there are no credit checks to worry about. This process is revolutionizing the entire loan application procedure. This cash flow analysis technology is changing the entire loan process.

A payday loan alternative is a great option for those who are in need of a quick short term loan. The monthly payments are much more reasonable and easy to maintain. This type of loan is perfect for those times when a financial emergency occurs. Many prefer to work with captain cash because they are experienced and offer the best options. One can choose the completely paperless application process online or they can apply for the loan over the phone.

In order to gain approval for this type of loan, one must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of Canada. They must also have a valid Canadian checking account. Their employer must use direct deposit in order for their pay to be deposited directly into their checking account. Their monthly income must be a minimum of $1200. The applicant must have a steady job where they have worked for at least 3 months. Their short term debt ratio must be low.

The payday loan offered by captaincash is a great option that provides the applicant with a paperless application process. Modern technology is used to provide a cash flow analysis system that is completely unique. The repayment schedule is longer and much easier to manage with ease. This allows the applicant to enjoy a hassle free process and to repay the loan in a minimum of three months. This means that the payments are lower and this allows the applicant to repay the loan in a much more manageable time frame.